Sunday March 3, 2024 is Disability Ministries Sunday. This Sunday is set aside to celebrate the ministry that we have and do with those that have disabilities. It can also be a time to think about what we can do within our churches to make sure that everyone has access to be able to participate and be part of our church communities, remembering as well that disabilities are more than just physical things that we see. There are just as many that we cannot see, so you can bet that you have someone in your congregation that has a disability.
As people of God, we are called to welcome and include all people no matter who they are, where they may come from, and so on. Are we doing that in our churches? In many cases, we are not.
There is an array of resources available to help plan to include this in worship. On the Conference website, you will find many resources that will give you some worship helps.
Other places to look are:
- Disability Ministries Committee of the UMC
- Good Good Good – Calendar of awareness days, weeks, and months
- Church and Society of the UMC
All these places have worship help and information that can aid you in your preparation to lift up Disability Ministries Sunday.
An offering can be taken up to help support your local ministries and that of the conference. Also, I encourage you to share your stories, either here in the Short Circuit or in the different social media pages that are connected to the conference, district, clergy, and such. Let us make sure that as the churches of the WVUMC, we are being inclusive of all God’s children. God’s blessings on all the ministries across our blessed connection.
Blessings, Rev. Michael Ludle