Resourcing You

Youth ministry can be a lot of work, and we’re here to make your life easier! You will find helpful resources and links to other sites as well as information regarding training for your district, parish, or local church.

Youth ministry can be a lot of work, and we’re here to make your life easier! You will find helpful resources and links to other sites as well as information regarding training for your district, parish, or local church.


Please contact Shea James, Director of Youth and Outdoor Ministries, for more information about receiving LinC. For an example of LinC check it out Learn More

Cokesbury Books

Books about Youth Ministry
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Shea James, Director of Youth and Outdoor Ministries, can come to your district, parish, or local church and help teach youth and adults about youth ministry! If you’re interested in learning best practices for youth ministry and would like some help creating vital ministries in your local context contact her office! or 304-344-8331 x25