The purpose of Global Ministries is to connect the church in mission.
The vision of the General Board of Global Ministries (GBGM) is our vision as well — to equip and transform people and places for God’s mission around the world.
We adhere to the mission goals of GBGM:
1. Make disciples of Jesus Christ;
2. Strengthen, develop, and renew Christian congregations and communities;
3. Alleviate human suffering;
4. Seek justice, freedom, and peace.
We ask that every church strive with us to engage in God’s mission as we carry forth these goals.
A major responsibility of Global Ministries is to connect the various parts of the Church as United Methodists engage in global mission. As a biblically rooted and historically informed organization, Global Ministries facilitates engagement in God’s mission. Learn more about the work of Global Ministries and its different programs by following this link:
Global Ministries of the West Virginia Annual Conference
by Judy Raines, Chairperson
Global Ministries of the West Virginia United Methodist Conference is a community of men and women in service to those in need. From providing, food clothing, utility assistance, disaster relief, rent assistance, advocating for immigration reform, disabilities, and health ministries, and caring for children in many ways the work goes on. It has been necessary at times to be creative in the way we do the work, but it is being done.
From seven Mission Projects, Church and Community worker, Burlington United Family Services, the New Vision Depot, Volunteers in Mission, Disaster Relief ministries, you have a network of men and women who are being the hands of Christ in hurting communities across the conference.
All of these ministries are supported by your apportionment dollars. With the struggles of the pandemic and struggles in the church the apportionments are down and that is a serious situation for the mission work in the West Virginia Conference. I encourage each of you, who are already a vital part of this work, to help us be the hands and feet of Christ to our neighbors across the conference.
God has called us to be in service to the poor and needy and we are doing that through the work of Global Ministries.
We must listen and learn to be in ministry with and be transformed in relationship with others. Then together, we seek to change conditions that are unjust, alienating, and disempowering. Walking with one another, we seek to respond to and address conditions that undermine quality of life and limit the opportunity to flourish that God intends for all. We engage in ministry with the Poor.