Choosing the Faithful Path

When churches plateau or decline in their growth and vitality it’s time to honestly ask: What are you able, willing, and committed to do to move forward faithfully?

Choosing the Faithful Path is a companion book to a facilitated seminar, bible study, and assessment process to guide churches in making a clear choice and developing a specific plan for one of two pathways: Re-Innovation or Transition to Legacy/Closure.

Churches interested in journeying through this process should contact their District Superintendent or Amy Shanholtzer for assistance in starting the process.


Since every church is located in some type of transition, every local church is encouraged to study their congregation’s potential.


  • Coaching for the pastor to provide support and accountability throughout the process.
  • Two-hour introductory seminar to prepare participants for study and assessment assignments.
  • Eleven Bible study sessions rooted in the practice of the spiritual disciplines including
    worship, prayer, holy conversation, and communion.
  • Review of objective data about the church and local community including current statistics
    and demographic studies.
  • Practical and straightforward questions regarding the church’s potential for ministry in the
  • Clear pathways and step-by-step guidelines to develop an Action Plan for one of two
    pathways: Re-Innovation or Transition to Legacy.
  • Practical guidance for congregation and leaders.
  • Follow up within six weeks for follow-through on Action Plan.

Approximate length: 12 weeks including the introductory seminar, weekly Bible study, and development of an Action Plan.

But how and when do we assess the church’s potential to maximize our Kingdom Impact? Since every church is located in some type of transition, every local church is encouraged to study their congregation’s potential.

Additional information for teams trained in Choosing the Faithful Path.