UM Discipleship offers a new #SeeAllThePeople teaching series!
This three-session video teaching series, featuring Rev. Junius B. Dotson and Rev. Jacob Armstrong as your instructors, aims to communicate the basic principles behind See All The People, a movement to help us understand what discipleship and evangelism mean in the 21st century.
This video teaching series includes three sessions, as well as discussion for each session. We will talk about whose job it is to make disciples, how to stop fixing churches, and how discipleship begins with relationship. If you have a voice inside of you that wants to help create a new DNA in your congregation, welcome, and let’s get started.
Follow this link to get registered for this free course today!
New from #SeeAllThePeople. Based on a true story... Sarah.
WVUMC welcomed Rev. Dr. Junius Dotson, the General Secretary of Discipleship Ministries to Annual Conference 2018. Watch his teaching sessions here!
Visit See all the People for free videos and downloadable resources from Discipleship Ministries to help your team create a discipleship system for your church!
Here are some of the great brochures from UMC Discipleship available as a free download!
How To Start Small Groups 2018
Developing Discipleship Systems with Children
Developing Discipleship Systems with Youth
Want to know how to get started? Click below for a downloadable brochure about Covenant Discipleship Groups in the Wesleyan Tradition. Covenant Discipleship Brochure