Fresh Expressions
This is a way of taking the church out of the church and into the world – to reach people who don’t go to church. We’re excited about working with the folks from Fresh Expressions in our conference to begin a Pioneer Community of folks trying out new things.
Find out more here: Fresh Expressions
Contact Ken Willard, Director of Discipleship, Leadership and Congregational Vitality – if you’d like to know more.
“Fresh Expressions is an international movement of missionary disciples cultivating new kinds of church alongside existing congregations to more effectively engage our growing post-Christian society.
Beginning in 2004 as an initiative of the Church of England and the British Methodist Church, the movement has resulted in the birth of thousands of new communities in the UK alone and brought renewal to scores of established churches. The movement has spread to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and Germany. In 2010, the movement began taking shape in the US through the vision and generosity of the Baptist General Association of Virginia and a growing number of partners committed to a new era of missional ecumenism, a unity around the mission of God the Father through the resurrected Son in the power of the Holy Spirit.”
From Fresh Expressions US website:
We are excited to be working to find ways to be the church outside the church walls in our conference. What new expressions of the church might you create?
If you’re interested in a 9 month process of learning how to implement Fresh Expressions, check out this upcoming Pioneer Community Event in late October: Learn More