Wesley Foundation at Glenville State College offers a safe place to explore faith and to wrestle with the big issues of life. Wesley Foundation campus ministry is a United Methodist outreach to students faculty, staff, and administrators at Glenville State College.

We are located in Unity House (217 N. Court Street, also known as Hardman House). We offer a brief Sunday evening service, “Praise and Prayer,” at 8 p.m.

Everyone, regardless of their faith-journey, is welcome to attend and to participate in our programs.

Campus Pastor:
Rev. Mark James

Learn More:
Glenville State Wesley Foundation

From the 2016 Conference Journal: Glenville State is looking to develop and move into a larger space on campus this year; they offer two Bible Studies each week; Rev. Mark James is a reference person and helps produce seminars and discussion groups on campus around issues of faith and science; the group feeds the basketball teams during the school breaks when the cafeteria is closed and the team has to be on campus to play games; they provide lunches and snacks during study times and have been meeting with small groups of students just to discuss issues of life and faith in the dorms or student common areas.