Pastoral Ministry Licensing School Retreat Held

By Bonnie MacDonald

Students from across the West Virginia Conference participated in the Pastoral Ministry Licensing School (PMLS) retreat last weekend, coming together in person for the first time, after weeks of online learning content and gatherings via Zoom. This school prepares students to begin pastoral ministry as licensed clergy. These thirteen students began their learning in February, submitting six weeks of assignments, with the retreat bringing PMLS to a close.

The West Virginia Conference partners with Candler School of Theology to offer this school to provide essential training to those on the path to becoming licensed clergy. The Board of Ordained Ministry oversees this training ministry, with Gwen Wolford, Scott Mayberry, and Bonnie MacDonald serving as PMLS directors. A team of 27 experienced leaders throughout the West Virginia Conference served weekly and at the retreat as evaluators and faculty, providing valuable guidance to each student during the course of PMLS.

PMLS is designed to help students begin licensed ministry, knowing that each one will continue to complete a full course of study. In the words of one student, “This has been a wonderful experience. I feel more confident of my ability to answer my calling.”

If you or someone you know is interested in pursuing licensed or ordained ministry, or think God may be calling you deeper in ministry, please talk with your pastor, your superintendent, or contact Bonnie MacDonald, Director of Leadership Formation.