WVUMC Mission Projects Welcome New Directors

By Judy Raines

Global Ministries is happy to introduce two new directors and a third in training. While we are sorry to lose Brenda Hunt from Heart and Hand House, Kristi Wilkerson from Upshur Cooperative House and in December, Belinda Toms from Tyrand Cooperative Ministries, the new directors come with a passion and a vision for the ministries.

Jesica Streets: Heart and Hand House, Philippi

Jesica Streets has been accepted by the Board of Directors to serve as the new Executive Director. Streets is a resident of Tucker County where she resides with her husband and two small children. Before joining the Heart and Hand family, she worked for WVU as an Extension Agent in Tucker County. She brings with her a knowledge of volunteer management, community outreach, and grant management. 

When asked what she looked forwarded to the most about working with Heart and Hand, she said, “Being able to serve the community and the continuation of the ministry currently being done.”
Streets said she was not aware that there were so many components to the ministry offered by Heart and Hand. “When researching the position, I found that there was more than met the eye with this organization. Heart and Hand is a phenomenal resource for Barbour County families. They offer programs ranging from utility assistance to home repair. The history and mission of Heart and Hand is truly humbling.”

When asked what her personal goals were for Heart and Hand, she said, “Heart and Hand is already a strong working ministry to model. I was always told to dream big, and I would love to see the resources and services provided reach the Tygarts Valley region. The organization is such a blessing and I hope it
continues to be.”

Isaac Casto Upshur Cooperative Parish House

Isaac Casto is the new Executive Director of the Upshur Cooperative Parish House in Buckhannon, WV. He assumes the role after being promoted from Finance Manager of the nonprofit that focuses on food insecurity and utility assistance in Upshur County. 

Originally from Ripley, WV, he came to Buckhannon in 2001 to study at West Virginia Wesleyan College. During his time at Wesleyan, Casto volunteered at the Parish House as a Bonner Scholar, working in the food pantry and home repair program. He graduated in 2006 with a degree in Marketing and an MBA. After working as an accountant in the Oil & Gas Industry, he returned to Wesleyan and earned a M.Ed. in 2013. He was a Social Studies teacher at Buckhannon-Upshur High School before he became a stay-at-home dad to his children, Sylvia and Franklin. 

Casto has been serving as Acting Director of the Parish House since July 2023 following a promotion from his position as Finance Manager. “It feels like a full circle moment for me,” Casto stated. “The Parish House was a really important place to me at a really important time of my life. I feel fortunate to be back and I’m excited to continue our outreach and community-building.”

Maykala Harris Tyrand Cooperative Ministries

Maykala grew up in Mill Creek, just three minutes away from Tyrand. She graduated from Marshall University in 2019 with a bachelor’s degree in health sciences. After graduating, she moved back to the area with her son. She now has a son (4) and a daughter (1).

Previously, she worked in the I/DD Waiver field in behavioral health. When asked about this new role Harris shared, “My passion is to help those in need and give back to the community I grew up in. I am looking forward to meeting and getting to know everyone. Everyone at Tyrand has been so nice and welcoming, and I am thankful to be part of the team here!”

Judy Raines is the Chairperson of Global Ministries.