September is “Dynamite Prayer: A 28 Day Experiment” Month

By Ken Willard

As a Conference, we are excited to have our congregations focus on the power of prayer this September.

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7, NKJV

In the original Greek language of the New Testament, the word we read in English as “power” is dunamis. This is where we get the word dynamite. This Greek word describes the supernatural power only God can provide in and through us. It was God’s dunamis power, scripture reports, that resurrected Jesus from the dead. In fact, the word dunamis is used more than one hundred twenty times from the book of Matthew through Revelation. [Dynamite Prayer by Rosario Picardo and Sue Nilson Kibbey]

Imagine the possibilities when a whole conference of congregations join together in prayer. Let’s stop playing it safe and tap into God’s unlimited power together to open new doors of ministry potential, and transform our lives and our communities.

There are resources available to help you and your ministry to make the most of this prayer experience:

  • Order copies of the book, Dynamite Prayer: A 28 Day Experiment, at 50% off the retail price! Through a partnership with the authors and the publishing company, churches throughout our Conference are able to purchase ten (10) copies or more of the book for $7.49 each. Learn more about how to order book by clicking here.
  • We now have a series of courses available on Portico in the Breakthrough Prayer Initiative catalog. One of those courses is a recording of Sue Nilson Kibbey teaching how do create a Breakthrough Prayer in your ministry. You can access that course by clicking here.
  • The website has resources such as: information about the authors; videos; implementation instructions; graphics; memes; and more.
  • Rev. Lisa Fox, Reedsville UMC, is leading this initiative for our Conference. She is in the process of collecting stories and testimonials from congregations around our conference who have already begun this Breakthrough Prayer Initiative journey. You can contact Lisa via email.

There will be more information and resources coming in the next few weeks. Don’t wait! Start now. Gather people from your church/charge and put together a plan so that you are ready to join us for Dynamite Prayer in September.