MonValley District Conference 2022

By Todd Hurley

The 2022 MonValley District Conference was held in person at Philippi UMC on August 21st. Rev. Amy Shanholtzer, district superintendent for the newly realigned MonValley District, led conference to a near capacity gathering of clergy and laypeople. Worship music was provided by The Heart of Worship Praise Band from FUMC in Elkins, WV.

The business at hand, which included reports from DCOM, Committee on Nominations, setting of district fund fair share, and all business reports, were unanimously approved as presented. There were presentations of recognition of Certified Lay Servants, Certified Lay Speakers, and Certified Lay Ministers, all of which who were present stood to an affirming applause. A special commemorative plaque for “2022 Man of the Year” was presented by DS Rev. Amy Shanholtzer to Paul White, District President of the United Methodist Men. The offering collected went to support the ministries of Heart & Hand House Inc. and Scott’s Run Settlement House, the latter of which was represented by the new Executive Director, Michael Richard, who implored the district to assist with the growing challenges of serving people in Morgantown.

Rev. Amy Shanholtzer delivered a message that encouraged congregations to be connected to their communities, mentioning an innovation mini-grant in the district for churches seeking to develop fresh expressions of ministry connecting with communities outside the walls of the church. Rev. Shanholtzer asked, “What could your church do if it wasn’t struggling to do what it used to do?” The message was timely, as many churches have stated that it is time to restart or refresh their ministries.

There was an air of gladness as folks joined in person after a 3-year absence due to COVID restrictions. Worship was vibrant and joyful, communion was deep and meaningful, and new connections were made as nearly half the people present were new to the district since the last face to face conference. People gathered early to talk and stayed afterwards to enjoy the refreshments and fellowship at the Garden Market in downtown Philippi.