Bishop Shares Prayer for Those in Transition

By Sandra Steiner Ball

The end of June, it is a time of transition for pastors, it is a time of transition as we go from Covid pandemic living to post pandemic living, for West Virginia it is also the fifth anniversary of the devastating floods we experienced in many of our communities.

Transitions are difficult. Change is difficult. However, in the midst of every change is the opportunity for new hope and new life. I pray today for those in transition – for those still recovering in a variety of ways from the floods. I pray for our churches and leaders as they navigate the transition from pandemic to not quite post pandemic life and living and I pray for the lives lost and the families affected by Covid. I pray for those pastors and families who are on the move, moving through the grief of leaving the familiar and dealing with the anxiety and the hopefulness of the new.

Lord our Good Shepherd, I pray for the many immediate and long-term needs resulting from the variety of transitions in our lives. I pray for enough helpers, volunteers, care, compassion, money, equipment, supplies, and food and water. I pray for protection and health.

God of Hope, I pray for emergency personnel, those who respond to the crises of floods and other trauma, emergencies, and disaster. I pray for cell phones to work, so people in emergency situations can summon help. I pray for swift communication between agencies and first responders. I pray for the safety of police officers, firemen, and others involved in rescue, recovery, and other life-threatening situations. I pray for strength and compassion for emergency medical personnel as they respond to overwhelming conditions and situations.

O God, our Deliverer, please protect the lives of people in transition and change. Provide safe travel. Let all amid the change and challenges to know that You are their ultimate provider and that they are loved by You.

Author and provider of Peace, please comfort those who have gone through the terrifying ordeals and those who are simply anxious about the new changes in their lives. Sustain them and be their peace in the night, keep them from nightmares. Be their peace throughout the day, keep them from worry and fear. I pray that in the midst of things they cannot understand, they will turn to You as their source of comfort and strength.

Show the rest of us, dear Lord, how to come alongside persons experiencing transition and change to provide spiritual support, comfort, and empowerment. Help us to share your love.

All-sufficient Lord, I bring before You those who are still recovering from the flood, those who are still dealing with the ravages and loss brought about by Covid, and those pastors and families who are moving and transitioning to new ministries and new homes over the next couple of weeks. I pray that You will be their comfort and their counselor as they navigate through the process of moving to the new and positioning themselves in ways that allow hope and new life to grow. This I pray in Christ’s name. Amen.