Arise and Build


The House of the Carpenter carefully discerned the calling of God to develop a Youth Center on Wheeling Island in Wheeling. As soon as the announcement was made two types of voices could be heard above all others: “You will never be able to build it,” and “Nothing good ever comes to the Island.”  Despite delays, changes in regulations, and increases in material and labor costs, the staff and board members never doubted or been dismayed by this calling.

The board drew inspiration from Nehemiah 2:20 since they day it gathered on the vacant lot and consecrated it for holy use. The passage says, “The God of heave is the one who will give us success, therefore, we his servants will arise and build.”

On August 7, the first shovel of earth was moved to begin the foundation.  Now, just 4 months later the walls are reaching to the heavens. 

Staff members are making plans for programming beginning in June. There are more than nine weeks of events planned, thus far. We have scheduled a formal dedication for the facility on Friday, August 14, 2020. We ask that you put that date on your calendar, and join us to share in this celebration with us.