
Informative – Relevant topics and key learnings for pastors and ministry leaders.

Interactive – Participatory environment with time for questions and discussions.

Inspirational – Designed to provide hope and built on the foundation of the Holy Spirit.

These workshops are designed for districts or groups of churches. Examples include:

  • Creating a Discipleship Pathway for Your Church – based on the book Stride: Creating a Discipleship Pathway for Your Church by Mike Schreiner and Ken Willard. This session is designed to equip you to create and maintain a discipleship process in your church.
  • Strategic Ministry Planning – designed to equip you to discern where God is calling your ministry. Topics include: Prayer, church life cycles, theology of change, core values, mission, vision, and managing conflict.
  • Time Management – based on the book Time Management for the Christian Leader by Ken Willard. Topics include: setting SMARTER goals, prioritizing our activities, being more productive, and maintaining margin. All topics apply to pastors, laity leader, and to total churches.
  • Connections Process – this workshop goes deeper into a key component of the discipleship process. Areas covered include: ensuring new people are connected and assimilated into the life of the church; keys to connecting your existing congregation in areas such as serving and Christian communities; closing the back door concerning people who are attending and then missing.
  • Discipleship Coaching – this workshop goes deeper into a key component of the discipleship process. Participants will be trained and equipped to return to their church and start having one-on-one coaching conversations with people in the congregation to help them grow closer to Jesus.
  • Creating a Leadership Culture – based on the forthcoming book, Church Ecology: Creating a Leadership Pathway for Your Church by Kelly Brown and Ken Willard. This session is designed to equip you to create a leadership development process in your church. Topics include: prayer, discipleship, study the system, different leadership approaches, mentoring, covenants, coaching, and culture.
  • Simplified Structure – based on the book, Mission Possible: A Simple Structure for Missional Effectiveness by Kay Kotan and Blake Bradford. Too many churches allow their structure to drive their ministry, instead of the other way around. This session helps you to explore new options for structuring your church to reach its potential for God’s Kingdom.
  • Church Life Cycles & Mission Field – this session is a companion to the Local Church Self-Study process. Designed for total church leadership teams to learn and understand more about where their ministry is today and how to unlock valuable insights into the mission field God is calling them to reach.

Contact Ken Willard for more information or to schedule a workshop.

Note: We are seeking workshop facilitators for each session in our districts. Click HERE to learn more

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for Laity and Clergy Leaders
