Spiritual Formation

Spiritual formation is a “process of being conformed to the image of Christ for the sake of others” a definition set forth by M. Robert Mulholland, Jr in Invitation to a Journey.

The life of discipleship is a journey in deeper spiritual formation.  We seek to resource this journey which begins and is centered in the local church.  Our vision is that the Annual Conference can support and enhance this journey, which will ultimately strengthen the local church.


“being conformed to the image of Christ for the sake of others”

Academy for Spiritual Formation

The Upper Room has many resources for spiritual formation. One of which is the Academy for Spiritual Formation.  Academy participants go on a 2-year journey in deeper spiritual formation.

For more information visit the Upper Room website, here.

DUE TO COVID-19 The Academy for Spiritual Formation is currently on hold. 

Spiritual Direction

The West Virginia Institute for Spirituality is a rich resource for certified and trained spiritual directors. You can develop a plan for spiritual growth that is guided by a trained, certified director. There are also a variety of retreats and opportunities throughout the year. Check the Institutes website or find them on Facebook.

You can also find a spiritual director at Spiritual Directors InternationalLog onto the site and search your state for folks who are trained and certified in your area.

Learn more about certification in spiritual formation in the United Methodist Church: Click here.

Spiritual Gifts Assessment

Everyone has spiritual gifts. Spiritual gifts assessments are tools to help us understand these gifts more fully. Here is one free online assessment option – Click here.

This assessment is good place to start.  Our gifts are also discerned in community.  A bible study class or accountability group is another place to find out more about your spiritual gifts as seen through the eyes of others with whom you’ve shared your walk with Christ.

Another free spiritual gifts assessment is offered online at Ministry Matters – go to ministrymatters.com to register for a free account. Once you have the account, search for spiritual gifts. This will take you to a page with an assessment based on the book – Serving From the Heart: Finding Your Gifts and Talents for Service by Cartmill and Gentile.

Think about asking someone whose faith journey inspires you to help you form a group for spiritual accountability and growth.  Talk with a clergy person for some direction and guidance.