

DiscoverU is open to young people 15-23 years of age.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions on in-person gatherings, DiscoverU is on hold.

Read below for information on what DiscoverU offers to young adults - and reach out to Shea James at if you're interested in attending once we're able to meet in person again!

Unsure of what God is calling you to do? Do you know you want to serve God in some way, but you’re not sure how? Are you between 15 and 23 years old? DiscoverU is for you!

DiscoverU was created by a team of youth and young adults who shared a deep desire to discern what God is doing in their lives. The team identified five key concepts that made previous experiences transformative:

1) People pushed and challenged them to step up and lead.
2) They were faithfully witnessed to by people with more life experience than them.
3) New opportunities- they had to do something they’d not done before.
4) They had deep relationships with their peers, where they could pray together.
5) The adults involved in these experiences were being real- they acknowledged their struggles and challenges and invited young people to “do life” with them.

DiscoverU strives to include these five components into its week-long experience where young people get the support, encouragement, and assistance from peers and adults as they discern God’s call in their lives.
DiscoverU allows participants to shadow real-life ministry leaders in a local setting. Young people experience a variety of ministries, as well as varying types of leadership. Elders, deacons, and laity, serving in the local church and community, will help participants understand the depth and breadth of Christian service.

In the evenings, participants come together in small groups to pray and discuss their experiences shadowing ministry leaders, which helps them discern God’s calling. Participants explore college and seminary opportunities in addition to the next steps for ordained ministry. We hope that DiscoverU gives young people the space to discern God’s calling by preparing them for their next steps in a lifetime of ministry.

DiscoverU is open to young people 15-23 years of age. To learn more about DiscoverU contact Shea James,!