Worship Preparations

As you Gather 
do take a few
simple precautions:

  • Take some time to meet with key leaders to identify those vulnerable members of the congregation who are at risk due to compromised immune system and age (individuals over 60, primarily, have been affected). While each member is at risk, to a varying degree, remember each person is also a source of prayer, presence, gifts, service and witness.
  • Be sure to care for those who have a weakened immune system or are ill. Dropping off groceries, a meal, or a phone call can make a big difference when someone doesn’t feel well.
  • If you deliver CD’s or tapes to shut-ins be sure that you clean them before stopping by for a visit.
  • Do not shake hands during times of greeting or the passing of the peace. Consider (for this temporary season) bowing or waving instead.
  • Insist that anyone serving food follow hand-washing protocol, be in good health, and wear food service gloves.
  • Purchase 60% alcohol hand sanitizer for use during any times of serving, such as Communion, food, pantries, and other service ministries.
  • Ensure you have a good communication system for sharing vital information quickly, whether that’s a phone tree, text messaging, email, social media or your website.
  • Consider Facebook Live for way to worship. What are some alternative ways to stay in touch with members?
  • Encourage those who are counting the offering to wash their hands after counting the offering.
  • Because infections of many kinds are passed on via objects such as offering plates, you might want to consider having people bring their offering forward in worship rather than passing the offering plate. (Now might be a good time to look into online or direct deposit giving – see your bank for more details.)