Shared by Rev. Dean Cole (Vienna Charge)
On Wednesday, August 21, 2024, the monthly gathering of the “MCFRIENDS FELLOWSHIP GROUP” met at Stout Memorial United Methodist Church in Parkersburg. There were 90+ mostly “chronologically mature” gents in attendance on this day, and more than $900.00 was given in the freewill offering. Using a hammer as a prop, Stout Memorial pastor Rev. Helen Oates shared a powerful devotional reminding all of us that regardless of our age, we must still make every effort to put our God-given gifts to good use in helping to build the kingdom of heaven here on earth.
The proceeds each month from these group gathering are given to the host church. Over the years more than $230,000.00 has been raised to help fund the ministries of Parkersburg’s and Vienna’s local churches! Thanks be to God!