Dear Friends,
It is with appreciation for the West Virginia Conference that I bring you greetings. The hopeful, realistic, candid and heartfelt descriptions about this Conference that I have received from West Virginia leaders and members add to my excitement about serving here.
It is not surprising that I feel a bond with this Conference as I spent the first 15 years of my life in Buchanan, Kentucky which was only separated from West Virginia by the Big Sandy River. Plus, I received much of my elementary, junior high and high school education in Louisa, Kentucky which borders Fort Gay, West Virginia. Later I served in the Prestonsburg District including Pike County, Kentucky which is adjacent to Mingo County, West Virginia. I am honored to be West Virginia’s episcopal leader.
The West Virginia Conference has been blessed with outstanding bishops across the years. My predecessor Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball has been stellar in her commitment and leadership in the West Virginia Conference. Prior to her was Bishop Ernest Lyght, a deeply spiritual leader who led this Annual Conference with excellence. Before Bishop Lyght was Bishop Grove, known for his encouraging ways and bright mind. Preceding Bishop Grove was Bishop Ives, whose strong character and dedication to justice were demonstrated in his emphasis on racial reconciliation. Though I did not personally know the other bishops who have served West Virginia, it is my understanding that they all did so with distinction. Now I serve alongside my colleagues in the Northeastern Jurisdictional College of Bishops as well as you, the clergy and laity of the West Virginia Conference.
I will begin my time as your bishop by focusing on becoming better acquainted with you. I am excited about what God has ahead for us in the West Virginia Conference as we get to know each other and move into the future together. During the initial months of my tenure, I anticipate District Days . . . listening sessions with various groups . . . and significant time with District Superintendents and other Conference leadership.
My primary ministry goal between now and the end of the year is to learn about the ministry, strengths and challenges of the West Virginia Conference. Why? As your episcopal leader it is essential for me to have a deep understanding of who you are in order to provide leadership that builds on the best of your past as we transition to a new chapter together.
I approach new ministry assignments and contexts with openness and curiosity. What is bubbling up in your hearts as you think and pray about next steps for the West Virginia Conference? What God-sized possibilities do you sense are in our future? I look forward to discerning together where God is leading us in this next chapter of ministry that we will write.
It is a joy to serve as your bishop.
Debra Wallace-Padgett
Resident Bishop
Holston and West Virginia Conferences