Rev. Stewart Cottrell, pastor of Clendenin UMC, shares how their Father’s Day Car Show has grown.
As in the parable of the mustard seed David Townsend’s idea how to raise money for the Clendenin United Method Church apportionment goal was sown. The mustard seed was David’s passion for restoring old cars. David and his wife, Sandy, decided to have a Father’s Day Car Show held at the church. They had a plan and involved our church family to make the car show happen. SUCCESS!
Over the next 20 years the annual event grew in size, and his mustard seed grew into a ministry. Our church family added their talents to increase the variety of activities. Easter’s Daughters sold their famous hot dog lunches—many went straight to the Fellowship Hall to eat before even looking at all the cars. Others donated money for all the trophies. Some donated hand made crafts for the auction. Others set up the sound system and played Sandy’s oldies music collection all day. Sadly, Sandy passed away four years ago, but her spirit is here. The photographer is a member of the church family and took photographs during most of the day. These camera shots were made available online for all to see and remember the day. Our church family has added to the success of the car show in a myriad of ways.
In God’s own way a ministry grew. Young children were fascinated with pedal cars. They were used to plastic toys that lasted a short time, but these were made of metal, and some were over 70 years old. These toys were treasured by the first children to ride in them. Children talked with the “old timers” about what it was like when they were their age. It was a joy to watch the interaction between them. Adults from surrounding counties shared David’s love of restored cars and talked with one another about their projects. New friendships were formed, and old ones renewed. Others were drawn to the music. Some sang along with the old tunes while others heard the songs for the first time. Sandy would be so happy to see people love her music collection. Other people came inside our church and felt the joy of our church family as we worked together. Perhaps some will go to church so they can feel God’s love in their lives.