Adults 20-30 called to serve as Global Mission Fellows


Sponsored by Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church, the Global Mission Fellows program is a two-year mission and service program for young adults who feel called to work for social justice.

Global Mission Fellows strive to engage with local communities, connect the church in mission, and grow in personal and social holiness. The GMF program has two tracks: an “International Track” where young adults from all over the globe serve outside their home country and a “US-2 Track” where those authorized to work in the U.S. are called to serve in the U.S.

Connor Kenaston served in Missouri as a Global Mission Fellow US-2 from 2014-2016. Connor shares; “Looking back on my two years of service, I can confirm that the experience was transformational. I met amazing people (including my now wife!) and repeatedly saw how God is at work in the world.”

If you know a young person who is interested in serving God by working for justice, you should encourage that person to apply to be a Global Mission Fellow.  Follow this link for more information.
Deadline is January 7, 2020