Continuous Learning

A main component of our overall Congregational Vitality Initiative is the growing and development of all leaders, laity and clergy, throughout our conference. This is found within our Conference Leadership Standards and along with discipleship is a focus area for our conference teams.

This type of leadership development is designed to take place in small groups with trained facilitators who will covenant together to grow as leaders.

There are various types of groups who you might join or put together:

  • A group of pastors only.
  • A group of laity leaders only.
  • A group of pastors and laity leaders.
  • A group of a specific type of ministry leaders. (i.e. local pastors, lay ministers, pastors by church size, church lay leaders, etc.)
  • A group of leaders all from the same general location or district.
  • A group of leaders all from the same church.

There are benefits and challenges with each type. Our goal is not to tell you what type of group you should form, but to assist you where needed to form the best group for everyone who participates. It is not mandatory or required for pastors or laity leaders in our conference to be in a leadership group. However, we are encouraging all our leaders to prayerfully consider being in a group.

The conference will also provide training for group facilitators and there are limited funds available for books and materials.

Typically these groups will meet six to eight times over the course of a year. So there is a one-year commitment, but then the groups may choose on their own to continue or to disband.

We want to hear your voice in this process! Please click HERE  to take the survey and let us know what you need to grow as a leader in ministry.



Some of the topics which a group might choose to cover include:

  • Facilitating Change
  • Accountability
  • Strategic Planning
  • Risk Taking
  • Decision Making
  • Coaching Skills
  • Time Management
  • Conflict Resolution Skills
  • Faith in the Calling of God
  • Growing New Leaders
  • Emotionally Healthy Leadership
  • Life Cycles of a Church

  • Servant Leadership
  • Lead Like Jesus
  • Real Life Evangelism
  • Setting SMARTER Goals
  • Focusing Outward
  • Ministry Systems
  • Resourcing / Stewardship
  • Simplifying Our Structure
  • Managing Transitions / Change
  • Hospitality / Connections

Contact Ken Willard if you want to know more or are interested in forming a group.