Our United Methodist Connection at work!


$42,200 in scholarships provided to West Virginia students in 2019.
In 2019, your apportionment dollars made it easier for West Virginia students to complete college and seminary degrees. Our United Methodist General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM), Office of Loans and Scholarships shares this good news: $42,200 in scholarships were provided through GBHEM to West Virginia Conference students in 2019Scholarship recipients included 6 seminary students and 19 college students.

Scholarships benefitted students from 8 districts in the West Virginia Conference.

The United Methodist GBHEM Office of Scholarships and Loans is an important partner with our West Virginia Conference resources in making college and seminary possible for our students. Check out their website to find out how you or someone you know might benefit.

For more information on financial support for seminary and Course of Study, check out our website at: https://www.wvumc.org/passionate-spiritual-leaders/ , under “Licensed and Ordained Ministry.”