An Easter Message from Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball

By Sandra Steiner Ball

Dear West Virginia Conference,

The Lord is Risen!!  

Christ is Risen!!  

What a wonderful blessing. What a wonderful proclamation for this Easter morning!

 “I have seen the Lord!”- Mary Magdalene proclaimed on that first Easter morning. (John 20:18) Itwas unbelievable!  It was unexpected! God broke into this world in an unexpected way. It was exciting!  It was life giving, not just for the moment but for generations to come. 

Since the time that Mary Magdalene ran to meet the disciples exclaiming these words, Christians have proclaimed this good news: Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed! Hallelujah!– year after year, after year.

Throughout the centuries, across all human barriers, God’s power to bring resurrection—to bring new life, to heal what is broken, to mend what seems irreparably torn, to forgive what seems to be unforgiveable, to redeem those whose lives appear to be unredeemable — is unexpected, exciting, powerful, hope filled and indeed life giving! 

Over and over again, we who follow Jesus proclaim this good news because the story of salvation, of new life through Christ is not over!  The Easter message, the Easter sighting, the Easter proclamation needs to be declared again and again for the people who still need to hear, whose lives still can be changed by this good news –  In Christ – new life can be ignited, birthed, begun!

We have seen the Lord! We proclaim on this Easter Sunday!

Come and see him—he will make all things new! 

As Christians gather today and throughout the Easter season, may we carry this hope of Christ to all who need it—in our families, in our schools, our communities, at our jobs, in our work, in our play, and beyond—so that all might come to know the life-changing Easter proclamation of the love of God!  

On this Easter Sunday and in this Easter season and beyond, I invite you and your congregation to recommit yourselves to spreading this verygood news and Christ’s invitation to salvation and eternal life.

Hallelujah! Christ is risen! May we all be the conduits for others to also see the Lord so that they along with us might receive Christ’s life raising, lifesaving power!


Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball