An action alert from the WVUMC Justice and Advocacy Committee

By WV UMC Admin

Weekly Action from the West Virginia Conference Justice and Advocacy Committee: Supporting Affordable, Quality Health Care

The United Methodist Church’s social principles frame health care as a basic human right: “Providing the care needed to maintain health, prevent disease, and restore health after injury or illness is a responsibility each person owes others and the government owes to all.”

The General Board of Church and Society has a page where you can email your two Senators and urge them to support affordable, high-quality health care. The page shares the parable of the Good Samaritan, who bandaged an injured stranger’s wounds and paid for his care at an inn — and whose example Jesus commanded us to follow. The GBCS concludes: “That command wasn’t just for those who were listening; it’s a command each of us who claim the mantle of Christ must follow.”

This week, we encourage you to email or call your Senators to urge them to increase access to affordable care.

Follow this link to get contact information for our Senators and Representatives.